NEW Der große Sprung? Chinas ballistisches Raketenprogramm. Ein technischer Bericht - Technical Report about the history and status of the Chinese missile program, Jun 2024. Published/hosted by the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). German version here, English version here.
Small and micro launchers in the NewSpace era: New missile proliferation risks or more of the same? - SIPRI Backgrounder on proliferation risks associated with small space launchers, Dec 2023. Published/hosted by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
Exploring Options for Missile Verification - Chapter 1: Determining Missile Range - Contribution to United Nations report on aspects of verifying arms control arrangements on missiles, Mar 2022. Published/hosted by The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR).
A matter of speed? Understanding hypersonic missile systems - SIPRI Backgrounder on hypersonic missiles, Feb 2022. Published/hosted by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
The Scope of Foreign Assistance to North Korea's Missile Program - A detailed and comprehensive review of North Korea's rocket achievements since the 1980s, Jul 2019. Published/hosted by Science & Global Security.
North Korean ICBM Design Shows External Influence - A look on the parallels between the North Korean Hwasong-15 ICBM and old Soviet missiles, Feb 2018. Published/hosted by Jane's Intelligence Review.
North Korea’s Missile Progress: Spectacular Success — with No Easy Explanation for It - Thoughts on reverse engineering and potential external support for North Korea, Oct 2017. Published by Global Asia.
Could Cyber Attacks Defeat North Korean Missile Tests? - Thoughts on hacking North Korean missile guidance systems, Mar 2017. Hosted by Nautilus Institute.
Not Much Below the Surface? - Thoughts on the 2015 North Korean SLBM test, Oct 2015. Public Interest Report Summer/Fall 2015, Federation of American Scientists.
Assessment of North Korea’s Latest ICBM Mock-Up - Paper, Jan 2014. Hosted by The Asan Institute for Policy Studies.
The Unha-3 - Thoughts on the 2012 satellite launch, Feb 2013. Public Interest Report Winter 2013, Federation of American Scientists.
The Assumed KN-08 Technology - Thoughts on the KN-08 technology, May 2012. Hosted by ArmsControlWonk.
Spaceflight Between Peaceful Vision and War - Thoughts on Wernher von Braun’s 100th birthday, Mar 2012.
Efforts, Motivation and Benefits of Spaceflight - Thoughts on spaceflight in general. Paper for the European Space Policy Institute, Aug 2009.
Raketenbedrohung 2.0 - Book on missiles, their technical basics, and political aspects, Apr 2015 (German version).
Characterizing the North Korean Nuclear Missile Threat - RAND Technical Report, Sep 2012. Hosted by RAND.
Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University - Research institute on self-determination, self-governance, and diplomacy.
UniBw Munich, Institute for Thermodynamics - Institute for Thermodynamics at Bundeswehr University Munich.